The New WIPO Journal Issue is Out!

Contents: Five Decades of Intellectual Property and Global Development; Development and International Copyright: A History; Prioritising Human Development in African Intellectual Property Law; Decolonising Intellectual Property Law in Pursuit of Africa’s Development; Drugs, Drugs Everywhere but Just Not for the Poor; The Never-ending Story of Access to Medicines; Intellectual Property, Climate Change and Development; Fundamental Rights, Development and Cultural Inclusion: The Marrakesh Treaty in Brazil; Patent as a Development Target? Dilemma of China’s Patent-Indicated Innovation Incentive Strategy; Intellectual Property and Development: Patents, Mass Innovation and the Xiaokang Society; Fine-tuning the Intellectual Property Approaches to Fostering Open Science: Some Insights from India; The Need for a Pluralist Approach to the Link between Intellectual Property and Development: A Pacific Island Case Study; The Reform of Educational Exceptions in the UAE Copyright Law to Suit Development Goals

The WIPO Journal – 2016 Volume 8 Issue 1. The full issue is available here.