Why Do We Need Criminal Sanctions to Combat Typosquatting?

The purpose of the paper is to examine why we need criminal sanctions to deal with domain name disputes particularly in the case of typosquatting? Are the civil liabilities in the Anti Cyber Protection Act (ACPA) not enough to combat typosquatting? Do we need the Truth of Domain Name Act (TDNA)?

The paper is divided into five parts, in part; I will give a general introduction on domain names disputes. In part II, I will define typosquatting and examine its importance. In part III, I will consider the TDNA and then in part IV the case of Zuccarini.

In part V, I will consider the argument with and against having criminal sanctions to deal with typosquatting. My preliminary examination will be the TDNA and the sanctions it provides for typosquatting and to what extent they are effective enough in deterring children pornography over the internet. At the end of the paper, I will provide my own overall assessment and conclusion of the matter.

The full paper is available here.

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