Call for Papers: Conference on “E-commerce and E-governance”, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 19th-20th May 2009

The United Arab Emirates claims to take the lead in building a prosperous and developed society through the development of human resources; which are able to interact with the rapid developments in the international community, and building the foundations of economic and trade community; through which the Emirates always intends to promote, progress and prosper.

The financial transactions of all kinds need to be an effective means to ensure the speed and to strengthening of trust between the dealers and suppliers. The State institutions and private institutions have been trying to strengthen their capacities in the development and prosperity by interacting with prominent international institutions. Therefore, it is unable to fully adopt electronic means and other support in handling the financial and other trade transactions.

The UAE did not lag behind in issuing a Federal Law, the Law No. (1), of the year 2006; which governs and regulates all e-commerce transactions. This Law was an important breakthrough to facilitate electronic transactions.

In the above context, College of Law, University of the United Arab Emirates, has realized that the emerging law on this subject has many dimensions, which has given rise to various future legal problems; and there is an urgent need to organize a Conference on E-Transactions and E-commerce; to focus on research oriented studies and to have a comparative approach of various Legislations prevailing in other countries of the world and to evolve appropriate solutions to some of the pertinent problems it raises.

The Conference is aimed to achieve the following objectives:

1) To compare the Federal Law with Arab and Foreign Legislation similar to it.

2) To examine the scientific study of law and to determine its pros and cons.

3) To make proposals and recommendations to facilitate the procedures for the application of the law.

4) To invite experts on this subject from academic field from different countries of the world, to provide scientific research study focused on Federal Law and comparative law and to provide the information of the most important developments in the field of e-commerce transactions and E-Governance of the State.

5) To indicate the role of the law of e-commerce transactions in the development of economy and trade.

6) To urge the public institutions and commercial institutions to expand to deal electronically.

7) To educate students and researchers in the United Arab Emirates about the importance of e-business transactions law.

At the outset, the Conference will be held in two days and is divided into six axes, divided into twelve themes at six themes per day. The details are as follows:

First day

19th May 2009

Axis One:

“Presentation and appraisal of electronic commerce legislation in various countries and their judicial applications.”

First theme:

•  The Fucus of the European e-commerce.

• Legislation for electronic commerce as introduced in America.

Second theme:

• Introduction and assessment of the legislation in Arab world.

• Federal Law (1) of the year 2006.

Axis Two:

“E-governence, the official electronic records, electronic administrative decisions and the responsibility of the State in controlling the electronic trading within the State.”

First theme:

• The official electronic records.

• The administrative decision-mail.

• Payment of fees and taxes electronically.

• Keeping the archive online.

Second theme:

•  State responsibility in the control of electronic trading.

•  The State protection extended to the public.

•  Compensation for the damages, by the State, when it is impossible to determine responsibility.

• The E-governance: the United Arab Emirates perspective.

• Experiment of E-governance at the UAE University.

Axis Three:

“Electronic contracts; determining the applicable law.”

First theme:

• The era of E-Contracts through e-mail.

• Date, time and place of the E-contract mails.

Second theme:

• Conflict of laws.

Second day

20th May 2009

Axis Four:

“Electronic contract/bond.”

First theme:

• The definition of e-mail   contract/ bond’.

•  An electronic signature.

•  The ratification of the e-signature.

Second theme:

• Authenticity of electronic formal contract/bond.

• The responsibility to prove the liability of the e-bonds Contracts.

•  Authenticity of electronic foreign bonds.

Axis Five:

“Civil and criminal protection for electronic commerce.”

First theme:

• Determining liability for damage resulting from the use of electronic commerce.

Second theme:

• Criminal protection.

• Criminal liability for fraud or misrepresentation of electronic contracts/bonds.

• Criminal responsibility for the certified service providers.

• Criminal liability resulting from the disclosure of information on bonds or electronic records.

Axis Sixth:

“Electronic transactions for banks and the protection of intellectual property rights.”

First theme:

• E-banking operations.

• Banking secrecy.

• Electronic Banking experiment at the United Arab Emirates Banks.

Second theme:

• Protection of intellectual property rights.

• Protection of digital publications traded through the system digital network (Internet).

• Protection of digital sites.