Ship Owner’s Obligations

The research paper concentrated on shipowners’ liability. In this paper I categorized shipowners’ obligations under three distinct groups. Shipowners’ obligations before commencement of the voyage, shipowners’ obligations during the voyage, and their obligations after the ships reach their final destinations.

I have dealt with some specific obligations of shipowners including providing a seaworthy vessel, reasonable dispatch, storage below deck, the responsibility of following the agreed-upon route, and finally delivering the cargo when the ship reaches its final destination. I relied on common law cases to determine shipowners’ liability.

I also discussed negligence, defined its meaning, and considered its effects on the liability of shipowners. I mentioned limitation of liability either under the Hague-Visby rules or under the Merchant Shipping Act of 1995. I concluded my research paper by mentioning the fact that shipowners can rely on limitation provisions offered in the Hague-Visby rules and Common law only when they perform their obligations under the contract of carriage.

The full article is available here.

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